Watch: Video De Mauricio Leal Nuevo

Captivating: Mauricio Leal's Longest Video Emerges in the Final Moments of His Life: "What Will I Do Now?" Everything Indicates That Someone Else Was With Him

Watch: Video De Mauricio Leal Nuevo

The 47-second clip would have been found on the stylist's cell phone, which was returned to his family.

"Hello everyone, forgive me. I can't take it anymore, nobody knows anything. I just buried a knife in myself, and so did my mom. What will I do? What do I do?" These are the words uttered by Mauricio Leal in a new 47-second video that emerged from the stylist when he was lying on his bed, bleeding from stab wounds to his body on November 21, 2021.

The material was published by the judicial information portal Focus Noticias and became public just hours after the Noticias Caracol investigative team released a 21-second portion of the same clip that reactivated the case over the deaths of the stylist and his mother, Marleny Hernandez.

Both media outlets indicate that this recording was on the stylist Leal's cell phone, which was one of the main pieces of evidence in the investigation of his death and that of Mrs. Hernandez. The Prosecutor's Office found Jonier Leal, Mauricio's brother, guilty during the process.

In the video, you can see the stylist lying on his bed, covered with a white blanket, as he was about to reveal his bloodied torso. At that moment, it is seen that there is a woman's body next to him, facing upwards, which would be his mother, Marleny, who was also found at the crime scene.

According to Noticias Caracol, this audiovisual material was discovered by the production team of the documentary Caín, a film project about the stylist's death, which is set to be released next month.

According to Focus Noticias, it was provided by his stepbrother, Carlos Garcia Hernandez, who had access to Leal's mobile phone and is currently detained in prison amidst a different judicial process.

The key point is that the recording became public after the Prosecutor's Office convicted the only person responsible for the deaths of the famous stylist and his mother. Furthermore, it was not known during the judicial process against the stylist's brother, who had built his career as an image consultant for well-known public figures in Colombian society.

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After this material was released, lawyer Ana Julieta Velasquez issued a statement reporting that she would once again defend Jonier, stating that "Mr. Jonier Rodolfo Leal Hernandez's criminal trial for the alleged murder of his mother and brother, as well as the alleged concealment, alteration, or destruction of material evidence, was a process in which the constitutional guarantees for Jonier were evidently absent due to their lack of presence."

The lawyer maintained that the prosecuting entity withheld evidence and asserted that there were irregularities on the part of the Prosecutor's Office in the process that led to her client's conviction.

Mauricio Leal and his mother, Marleny Hernandez, died on November 21, 2021, and their remains were found the following day. At the crime scene, photographed by agents of the Prosecutor's Office who arrived, both bodies were seen lying on the bed, face up, and the stylist's mobile phone and a knife in his hand were also visible in the pictures.

A suicide note written and signed by the stylist, in which he confessed to the murders, was also found at the scene. However, throughout the judicial process, there were always questions about whether it had been written under pressure from someone else.

Following the emergence of the video, which was unknown to the public, a letter written by Jonier Leal on Friday, August 9, also came to light, in which he thanked his lawyer for defending him in the process.

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